Lessons Learned from Artificial Christmas Trees Mistakes

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Most everyone knows that around the holidays, there are tons of house fires and other issues that arise. In many cases, it is due to what people are doing with their artificial Christmas trees. And if you don’t know anyone personally in which these types of mistakes have happened, then look to the numerous holiday comical movies out there that showcase the many mistakes that happen during the holidays and the lessons that we can learn from these!

The Environmental Impact of Artificial Christmas Trees

1. Do not overload the artificial Christmas trees with lights. Sadly, this is one of the most common reasons for house fires during the holiday season. And you should always make sure that you are only turning the lights on when someone is around, this way if there is a problem, it can be taken care of before it causes tons of damage.

2. Do not let cats and dogs run around the tree together as this can result in a huge catastrophe, as you have seen in countless movies. Whether they knock over the tree, destroy furniture, and the like.

3. Make sure that you are only using lights that are approved to be used on Christmas trees. No one should ever use unapproved lights as this can make a huge issue as it could catch the tree on fire and other issues.

4. Don’t hang too many ornaments on the tree to the point that it becomes so heavy that it breaks! This is a comedic type of event that has been seen in several movies, but in reality, this can cause not only a broken artificial Christmas tree, but also all the ornaments that may have become broken and if they are sentimental this can be heartbreaking.

5. Make sure that you know how large of a tree that you can use in your home without having to cut this…the movie “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” is a great lesson in this. You don’t want your tree knocking out windows or being bent over at the top because the ceiling is too low.

Don’t make mistakes when it comes to setting up and decorating your artificial Christmas trees. A few mistakes may be funny, but you will find that many mistakes can sacrifice your tree or even cause you more stress! The key to an enjoyable holiday is to eliminate as much stress as possible so that you can enjoy all that this season is about.