How to Keep Pet Out of Christmas Ornaments


For pet owners, they know that Christmas is going to be a time in which they have to keep telling their pets to leave the trees alone and stop bothering them. Christmas ornaments that they have hung on these trees are wonderful toys for pets. Regardless of whether you have a cat or dog, you will find that many pets are attracted to the shiny Christmas ornaments that you are hanging onto the tree. How do you keep these pets from bothering these Christmas ornaments?

Effective Ways to Keep Your Pet Away from Christmas Ornaments

There are several ways that you can keep pets out of the tree and away from these ornaments. Here are a few ideas that you may want to consider:

– Put a child gate around the tree to keep pets away. For dogs this works well, however, cats have been known to climb over them in order to get to the tree.

– Do not put ornaments that are going to dangle on the bottoms of the tree. This is just inviting your pets to swat them and possibly even knock the tree over in the process of playing with them.

– Make sure that pets understand that this is a ‘no-no’. Many pets can be told a few times that no, they are not allowed to be playing with the tree or the ornaments and they do listen.

– If your pet gets an ornament, immediately take this away and tell them no so that they understand this is something that they cannot do.

– For those with dogs, you may find that putting presents under the tree is an issue. Instead of doing this, consider sitting these up and off the ground to avoid them tearing into them.

It may be near impossible to keep your pets out of the tree and away from the ornaments. So be sure that you are not using ornaments that could harm these pets in any way.